What follows is my recent Facebook chat with our friend John who works at Saturday Night Live in New York City.
8:39 JohnI'm still at work...ugh
8:39pmMattwhich work?
and the new Jimmy Fallon show
8:40pmMattsay hi to the Jimster for me
he's a very nice guy
8:40pmMattyou live on a different planet than me
I'm sure of it
9:14pmMattJody says hi
9:16pmJohnhi Jody
Alec Baldwin is standing over my shoulder
I'm explaining Facebook to him
LOL Alec officially says hi to you guys
9:18pmMatttell him we think he's great on 30 rock
9:18pmJohnhe just left...but you just indirectly met Alec Baldwin
9:18pmMattyes, my life is complete
9:19pmJohnnobody will believe you...