“Every stereotype can be broken with a face, and every face has a story. Even leaders in both the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GBLT) and the Christian community tell me they know that something needs to change -- but nothing is changing because we’ve all been conditioned to dig in and fight. So where are we to go from here?”
-Andrew Marin Love is an Orientation: Elevating the Conversation with the Gay Community
In his book Love is an Orientation, Andrew Marin takes us along with him on his immersion into the gay neighborhood “Boystown” in Chicago. Examining the current reality of the relationship (or lack thereof) between the Christian community and the GBLT community Marin seeks to build bridges between the two camps. Marin teaches from his experiences in the gay community in a way that is both thought provoking and entertaining. If you’re looking to find scientific answers to the “gay-gene” question, you’re gonna be out of luck here. But if you’re looking for helpful insight into the lives of gay men and women, along practical tools to authentically reflect the love of Christ to those you encounter (even in church..surprise!) this is a great place to start. Be warned this book will challenge your thinking and force yourself to question how you view people. Do you really love people as God does them? Remember God made them.
Although sometimes a bit theologically messy and seemingly unorganized, Love is an Orientation did a great job of resourcing me in my ability to relate to, understand and overcome the issues surrounding the Gay/Faith culture wars. The ultimate goal being that my interaction with gays men and women would be a “wonderful opportunity to prove my faith by reclaiming the word
love as I tangibly live out all I believe in Christ.”
Andrew Marin's blogThe Marin Foundation