Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Jesus Is My Friend

A friend of mine found this video from our "CRU" weekly meeting. Check it out.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My mother-in-law

This is the transcript of a voicemail message that my wife recieved from my Mother-in-law tonight.
*Please note...I think my Mother-in-law is great.

"Hi There, how are you? Dad and I are on the way home from Bend and we're discussing
the Moon...

Because we can see the moon and it's almost a full moon, it's just bright's gorgeous.

We were sort of wondering how the moon looks to you tonight. Because we're curious.

I sort of feel like I could just jump up and grab it. It's beautiful.

So anyway, nothing important. Hope you guys are good. Bye"

Friday, September 05, 2008

Thursday, September 04, 2008

lost blog posts

Lately I've been thinking about all the cool blog posts I could do about recent events in my life....such as...

- Harvesting rocks from out in the middle of the forest
- The truck-size pitbull statue that I saw for sale in Spokane
- How much I love the cherry freeze drink from Dairy Queen on a summer night
- How our daughter was handing out hangers to college students last week

But I haven't got around to it.